
The size: should be less than , since module used in NTT are only multiples of .

poly.hpp support almost every algorithm involved polynomial and the module number can be any prime number.

how to choose

There are PolyNTT, PolyFFT, PolyFFTDynamic, PolyMFT provided to suit for different module .

  • PolyMFT:
  • PolyFFTDynamic: else if is uncertain.
  • PolyNTT: else if is fixed NTT-friendly, such as or PolyS instead
  • PolyFFT: else

PolyOrigin for testing.


PolyS.hpp is a simple and small version of Poly. It contains basic operators: +, -, *, /, log, exp, sqrt, and multi-evaluation for fiexed mod = 998244353.

You may change NTTS::M = 998244353 to other NTT-friendly prime number(and primitive root NTTS::g = 3).

Arbitrary module

However should be bigger than the size since some function need to assmue invertible in

Two ways to support it.

  • FFT based: you should check if the precision sufficient
  • NTT based: use 3 or 4 or more NTT-friendly modules, are then use Chinese remainder theorem

we choose M0 = 595591169, M1 = 645922817, M2 = 897581057, M3 = 998244353 in PolyMFT using following sageMath code:

ans = []
for i in range(23, 28):
    for j in range(1, 1000, 2):
        if(j * 2 ^i + 1 < 2^30 and is_prime(j*2^i+1) and primitive_root(j*2^i+1) == 3):

for i in sorted(ans):
    print(i, "\t = 1 + ", factor(i-1))

# output:
# 167772161        = 1 +  2^25 * 5
# 469762049        = 1 +  2^26 * 7
# 595591169        = 1 +  2^23 * 71
# 645922817        = 1 +  2^23 * 7 * 11
# 897581057        = 1 +  2^23 * 107
# 998244353        = 1 +  2^23 * 7 * 17


  • elementary: +, -, *, /, %, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, -(negative), inv, mulXn, modXn, divXn.
  • fundamental: powModPoly, inner, derivation, integral, log, exp, sqrt, mulT, evals, Lagrange, linearRecursion, prod, stirling number(stirling1row, stirling1col, stirling2row, stirling2col)
  • mixed: sin, cos, asin, atan, compose, composeInv, toFallingPowForm, fromFallingPowForm, valToVal
  • prefixPowSum:
  • sumFraction:

As an application, we compute and (introduced by min_25) in poly.hpp


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using LL = long long;
#include "cpplib/math.hpp"

template<typename T>
void debug(std::vector<T> a){
  for (auto& i : a) std::cout << i << ' ';
  std::cout << std::endl;

int main() {

  std::vector<int> a{1, 2, 3, 4};
  std::vector<int> b{1, 2, 3};
  PolyS A1(a), B1(b);
  auto c1 = (A1 * B1).a;

  using modM = MInt<998244353>;
  PolyNTT A2(trans<modM>(a)), B2(trans<modM>(b));
  auto c2 = (A2 * B2).a;

  // you must setMod before using it
  PolyFFTDynamic A3(trans<ModInt>(a)), B3(trans<ModInt>(b));
  auto c3 = (A3 * B3).a;

  PolyMFT A4(trans<ModLL>(a)), B4(trans<ModLL>(b));
  auto c4 = (A4 * B4).a;

  return 0;